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Firmly establish the concept of safety Safety Awareness accompanies me - Party Secretary Comrade Zuo Yingzi gave the first lesson of Civics and Politics.

Editor:土木高级账号    Release time:2024-04-17    Viewed:

On April 15, in order to deeply study and implement Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, learn the spirit of the 20th Party Congress, implement the concept of national security development, guide young students to constantly improve their awareness of security protection, and be the guardians of national security, laboratory security, and their own security. On the ninth national security education day, Zuo Yingzi, secretary of the Party committee of our college, carried out a rich and varied civic and political class - "Firmly Establish the Security Concept Security Awareness Accompanying Me" to the undergraduates of 2023 and 2022.


The report of the Twentieth Party Congress emphasizes that national security is the foundation of national rejuvenation, and social stability is a prerequisite for national strength. It is necessary to unswervingly implement the overall national security concept, to maintain national security throughout all aspects and processes of the work of the Party and the country, and to ensure national security and social stability.

Zuo Yingzi, secretary of the Party Committee, analyzed the situation at home and abroad with the Russian-Ukrainian war and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as the starting point, guiding the students to recognize the importance of China's peaceful development; and through analyzing four typical cases of counter-espionage and anti-espionage, he called on the young students to raise the awareness of national security in their daily lives, and to build the iron and steel Great Wall of national security together.


Immediately after that, Party Secretary Zuo Yingzhi educated and guided college students to pay attention to personal safety from four aspects: ideological safety, laboratory safety, beware of telecommunication and network fraud, and attention to mental health.

Talking about ideological security, Party Secretary Zuo Yingzi pointed out that some erroneous ideas have eroded and misled college students. Students are advised to enhance their political sensitivity and discernment, and to eliminate all kinds of political dangers in a timely manner by keeping their eyes bright, seeing things early and acting quickly on sensitive factors and incipient tendencies that can easily trigger political problems, especially major emergencies. In their lives, they should guard against the infiltration of hostile forces from abroad, be wary of participating in negative public opinion on the Internet, be wary of the infiltration of illegal religions and cults, refrain from observing or participating in illegal processions and rallies, and refrain from bringing in prohibited books, newspapers and magazines, propaganda materials, pirated books or computer software.


Laboratory is an important place for students' scientific research and study, and it is also a place prone to safety accidents. Zuo Yingzi, secretary of the Party Committee, warned students that safety is no trivial matter by citing a number of laboratory safety accidents in recent years, and standardized education on laboratory safety from the access to information on laboratory safety, laboratory safety access system, laboratory safety information door plate, laboratory general regulations, common first-aid measures, and so on.



With the popularization of the Internet and the rapid development of AI technology, network fraud has become a major problem that jeopardizes the personal safety of college students. Party secretary Zuo Yingzi analyzed in detail the common means and characteristics of network fraud, through vivid cases, let students deeply realize the cunning and hidden network fraud. Remind students to always be vigilant, enhance self-protection awareness, to do the "four no's": "do not listen to", refuse the temptation of high amounts of money, "do not send", beware of information leakage, "Do not receive", refuse strange money transfer, "do not believe", do not click on the Internet advertising.


Finally, Party Secretary Zuo Yingzi also pays great attention to the mental health of college students. She pointed out that mental health refers to all aspects of individual psychology and the process of activity in a good or normal state. She hoped that students should pay attention to their own mental health, learn to regulate emotions, adjust cognition, regular exercise, and face challenges in learning and life with a positive and healthy mindset. When encountering psychological problems, they should seek support and help from the society in a timely manner, and they can also seek help from the Psychological Center to alleviate their emotions through psychological counseling or medication supplemented by the doctor's advice.


On the occasion of 4.15 National Security Day, we hope that young students can deeply understand the importance of national security, establish national security awareness and work together to build a strong national security defense, ensure the stability of the country and help the country's high-quality development. At the same time, we also hope that you can care for yourself, care for every student around you, because only everyone becomes the guardian of security, our country can be more secure and harmonious. Let's work together and contribute to the prosperity and strength of our country!

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