Welcome to  College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University

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The College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University was established in September 1984. Its predecessor was the Department of Structural and Municipal Engineering, and it was one of the earliest departments enrolling undergraduate students in Shenzhen University. In September 2006, the College of Civil Engineering was established in response to the rapid development of the discipline. In January 2019, it was officially renamed as the College of Civil and Transportation Engineering. The college now includes three departments: department of civil engineering, department of construction management and real estate, and department of transportation engineering, which enroll three undergraduate majors in civil engineering, engineering management science, and Smart transportation. The civil engineering major and engineering management science major are national first-class undergraduate majors and key majors in Guangdong Province. The civil engineering major has passed the engineering certification of the Higher Education Civil Engineering Evaluation Committee of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the engineering management major has passed the National Housing Urban and Rural Construction Department of professional evaluation for four rounds.


The college has established a complete training system from undergraduate to doctoral degree, including Doctor of Civil Engineering academic, Doctor of civil engineering professional, M.S. in civil engineering, M.E. in management science and engineering, M.E. in construction and civil engineering, and M.E. in transportation engineering. Furthermore, civil engineering has been rated as a key major in Guangdong Province.


The college has an excellent faculty team. There are 4 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 1 academician of the Japanese Academy of Engineering, 3 academicians of the Russian Academy of Engineering, 1 academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Engineering, 22 national high-level talents. 99% of the teachers have doctoral degrees, all the teachers are from famous universities at home and abroad, and 78% of the teachers have overseas study and work experience.


The college has good research environment and facilities. The research labs and centers include six national research platforms, including three national key laboratories,five provincial and ministerial research and teaching platforms. In addition, the International Joint Laboratory for Coastal Civil Engineering Materials built with Microlab of the University of Delft in the Netherlands, and the Building Internet and BIM Research Center / Sino-Australia Joint Research Center in BIM and Smart Construction built with the China Building Information Modeling Industry Development Alliance and the Swinburne University of Technology in Australia, have carried out a wide range of international industrial-university-research cooperation. Besides, the college also has a Guangdong Civil Engineering Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center, and has established close talents cultivation and project collaboration with famous construction enterprises such as Shenzhen Airport, Shenzhen Subway, Shenzhen Construction Engineering Department, Country Garden, Zhengzhong Group, Coastal Group, China Construction, and Huaxi Group, and 37 internship bases have been established, which lay a solid foundation for the cultivation of engineers with an international perspective and innovative spirit. The College has won the second prize of National Teaching Achievement, the Special Prize of Guangdong Province Teaching Achievement and the Second prize of Guangdong Province Teaching Achievement.Through years of hard work, the college has cultivated a large number of technical backbones, who are active in the field of construction, and a large number of outstanding talents emerged represented by Deng Xueqin, Li Yibiao, etc.


The college has a strong academic atmosphere and gratifying scientific research results. In recent years, there have been over 110 national projects undertaken by faculties, including National Key Research and Development Program, Major Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China,the State Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China,the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, the National Outstanding Youth Science Fund, Major International Cooperation Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (first awarded in civil Engineering field of Guangdong Province), the Key Projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, International Science and Technology Cooperation Project of Ministry of Science and Technology (Sino-Japanese), . The research achievements won the second prize of National Technology Invention Award in 2014, 2015, and 2017 respectively. Besides, the faculties’ research results have been applied in many mega projects such as Yantian International, Shenzhen Airport, Shenzhen Metro, Shanghai-Kunming and Hangrui Expressway Guizhou Section, and achieved good social and economic benefits. The college attaches great importance to the cultivation of students' innovation ability. Students have achieved excellent results in various domestic science and technology competitions, including Golden Medal of National College Students' innovation and entrepreneurship training program,the 1stprize of the National College Student Structural Design Competition, the final champion of the National Real Estate Planning Competition, the 1stprize of the National College Students Surveying and Mapping Skill Competition and a large number of other academic innovation awards.

Address: Canghai District, Shenzhen University, People's Republic of China      E-mail: 450410031@qq.com  
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