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Good news! Our institute won four gold medals at the 49th Geneva International Invention Exhibition

Editor:土木高级账号    Release time:2024-05-16    Viewed:

On April 17-21, 2024, the 49th Geneva International Invention Exhibition was held at the Palexpo Convention and Exhibition Center in Geneva, Switzerland. Our institute has led the exhibition with 4 latest technological inventions, which have been unanimously recognized by the jury and experts from various countries, and have won 4 Gold Medals.

The award-winning projects are (ranked in no particular order):

1.A New Technology for Manufacturing Conerete with Lower Costs, Less CO2Emissions, but Higher Performance

Completed by: Wu Yufei; SMS Kazmi; MJ Munir; Hu Biao; Yuan Fang; Zhang Feng; Gao Lei; Wang Xun; Zhou Yingwu; Dong Biqin

2.ActivFiber RecycleTech: Integrated Recycling and Activation of CFRP Waste for Sustainable Development Across Multiple Fields

Completed by: Zhu Jihua; Pei Chun; Xing Feng; Chen Piyu

3.Recycled Carbon Fiber-Enhanced Permeable Concrete: A Sustainable, High-Strength, and Eco-Friendly Pavement Solution

Completed by: Pei Chun; Xing Feng; Zhu Jihua

4.Green, Efficient and Intelligent Construction Technologies of Subway Stations

Completed by: Hong Chengyu; Qin Xiaoqiong; Qiu Tong; Zhu Min; Li Wei; Dai Ji

The Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions, founded in 1973, is hosted by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the Swiss Federal Government. It is the longest, largest, and most influential invention exhibition in the world, and an important international platform for the transformation of high-tech industries into academia and research. This exhibition has attracted over 1400 inventions from 45 countries and regions, with a record high scale and quantity. The Chinese delegation has 197 projects recommended by universities and enterprises such as Tsinghua University, Peking University, Nanjing University, Tongji University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Zhejiang University, Southeast University, University of Science and Technology of China, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, State Grid Corporation of China, and China Huaneng to participate in the exhibition.

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