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【40周年院庆系列活动】之学术活动第18场暨2024深圳大学工业化建造与绿色安全运维系列学术讲座第2场: 基于计算机视觉的施工安全管理与基础设施健康监控

编辑:土木高级账号    发布时间:2024-06-04 11:01    浏览次数:


英文题目:Computer Vision Aided Construction Safety Management and Civil Infrastructure Health Monitoring





王明珠博士目前担任香港城市大学建筑与土木工程系的助理教授。她于2019年获得香港科技大学(HKUST)的博士学位。她曾在伦敦帝国理工学院系统工程与创新中心(CSEI)担任研究助理,并于2021年加入拉夫堡大学,担任建筑、建筑与土木工程学院的施工管理讲师(助理教授),在2024年晋升为高级讲师(副教授)。王明珠老师的研究兴趣包括智能建造、智能基础设施检测与管理、施工安全、计算机视觉与机器学习、建筑信息模型(BIM)、数字孪生和施工机器人。王明珠老师已在相关领域的高排名期刊和会议论文集中发表了多篇论文。她的研究得到了多个资助来源的支持,包括InnovateUK、联合国教科文组织、Skanska和Oval Partnership等。

Dr. Mingzhu Wang is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at City University of Hong Kong. She earned her PhD degree from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 2019. Following her doctoral studies, she worked as a Research Associate at the Centre for Systems Engineering and Innovation (CSEI) at Imperial College London. In 2021, Dr. Wang joined Loughborough University as a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Construction Management within the School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering and she was promoted to Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in 2024. Dr. Wang’s research focus on smart construction, intelligent infrastructure inspection and management, construction safety, computer vision and machine learning, Building Information Modelling (BIM), digital twin, and construction robotics. She has authored and co-authored numerous publications in high-ranking journals and conference proceedings. Her research has received funding from various sources, such as InnovateUK, UNESCO, Skanska and the Oval Partnership.


The concept of smart cities is being promoted globally to address the challenges of urbanization and enhance the efficiency of city operations and services. A critical component of smart city development is the construction and maintenance of the built environment. However, the construction industry faces significant challenges, including high hazard rates and low productivity, primarily due to inadequate digitalization. The successful application of digital technologies and advanced computing methods in various industries demonstrates their potential to address these challenges in construction. This talk will focus on the development of computer vision techniques for construction safety management and civil infrastructure inspection and monitoring.

The talk will begin with research on monitoring onsite workers, construction equipment, and their interactions using data fusion and deep learning techniques. This segment will cover the detection and tracking of onsite entities, the evaluation of their safety compliance, and the prediction of potential safety hazards. Following this, the talk will introduce research on inspecting and assessing various civil infrastructures, such as sewer pipes, bridges, and sidewalks, using visual data. The talk will also discuss our preliminary efforts to address challenges related to data scarcity and varying environmental conditions.






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