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编辑:土木高级账号    发布时间:2024-06-04 17:19    浏览次数:

主题:Innovative Strategies for Enhancing the Resilience of Coastal Cities and Their Bridge Networks to Compound Hazards: Emphasizing Seismic Events, Tsunamis, Corrosion, and Climate Change

主讲人:Mitsuyoshi Akiyama教授 早稻田大学




Before joining Waseda University in 2011 as a Professor of Civil Engineering, Dr. Akiyama served as an Assistant and Associate Professor at Tohoku University. He received his doctorate in Civil Engineering from Tohoku University in 2001. Dr. Akiyama was a Visiting Research Associate at Lehigh University from October 2008 to September 2009, sponsored by the Kajima Foundation, and from August 2018 to September 2019, sponsored by JSPS, in the research group of Prof. Frangopol. His primary research interests include earthquake engineering, life-cycle structural performance, and the reliability, risk and resilience of civil infrastructure systems. He has been actively involved in several international associations, serving as Commission Chair and Task Group Chair for ASCE, ACI, IABMAS, IALCCE, IABSE, and JSCE. Dr. Akiyama has received numerous awards, including the 2001 JCI Award for Engineering Development, the 2007 JSCE Encouragement Award for Outstanding Thesis, the 2008 Commendation for Science and Technology, the 1998, 2008, and 2010 JSCE Yoshida Award, the 2016 IABMAS Junior Award, and the 2023 IABSE Outstanding Paper Award. He currently serves as a Managing Editor for Structure and Infrastructure Engineering and as an Associate Editor for the ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering.


In the wake of major seismic events such as the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake, field investigations have revealed that numerous structures within coastal cities, including bridges and bridge networks, suffered severe damage or collapse. This damage was not only due to seismic forces but also resulted from subsequent tsunamis, landslides, and fault displacements. Additionally, long-term material deterioration can significantly compromise the structural integrity of these infrastructure. Consequently, it is crucial to undertake comprehensive studies on multiple hazards and their compound effects on the reliability, risk, and resilience of coastal infrastructure systems. While seismic activity remains a predominant threat to coastal cities in earthquake-prone regions, a holistic life-cycle reliability and risk assessment must address all potential hazards, including the impacts of climate change. This lecture presents an integrated approach and explores strategies to ensure the reliability, mitigate risks, and enhance the resilience of coastal cities, with a particular focus on bridges and bridge networks exposed to multiple hazards. The theoretical concepts and methodologies are illustrated through case studies of infrastructure systems within coastal cities.

上一条:【40周年院庆系列活动】之学术活动第20场:深圳:建设立体城市的规划策略 Transforming Shenzhen: Strategic Approaches to Three-Dimensional Urban Planning

下一条: 【40周年院庆系列活动】之学术活动第18场暨2024深圳大学工业化建造与绿色安全运维系列学术讲座第2场: 基于计算机视觉的施工安全管理与基础设施健康监控


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