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编辑:土木高级账号    发布时间:2024-08-27 14:44    浏览次数:


英文题目:Quality-Quantity Issues in Energy-Efficient Retrofitting of Existing Buildings


Chengchu Yan, Professor, Nanjing Tech University





Prof. Chengchu Yan, the Dean of the School of Urban Construction at Nanjing Tech University, is the Chair of the Youth Committee of the Jiangsu Refrigeration Society and an editorial board member of the Journal of Nanjing Tech University. He has published over 70 papers with over 20 authorized patents. Professor Yan has led more than 10 national, provincial/ministerial, and university-industry collaboration projects, and has received two provincial and ministerial science and technology progress awards. He has also undertaken more than 20 building energy efficiency projects, including the tallest building in Hong Kong, the International Commerce Centre (ICC), and the Qianhai Central Cooling Station in Shenzhen, achieving an average energy savings rate of 20-25%.



Most of the existing buildings have high energy consumption and high wastage, with large individual differences, unclear energy consumption status and unknown reasons for wastage, which bring great challenges to energy-saving renovation. This seminar analyzes and discusses the typical problems of low data quantity and poor data quality that are often faced in the process of energy-saving renovation of existing buildings, and introduces the “Building Energy Efficiency Rapid Evaluation Technology Based on Intelligent Splitting of Electricity Bills” and the “High-Efficiency Server Room Multi-Sensor Intercalibration Technology”, which provide a reliable and detailed data basis and technical solutions for the energy-saving renovation of existing buildings.


下一条:【40周年院庆系列活动】之学术活动第37场:Advanced energy-efficient thermal management in buildings through phase change materials


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