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编辑:土木高级账号    发布时间:2024-06-18 14:48    浏览次数:


英文题目:Intelligent construction and maintenance techniques based on point cloud data


Qian Wang, Professor, Southeast University





Dr. Qian Wang is a Young Chief Professor and Ph.D. advisor at Southeast University. He has been selected for the National High-level Overseas Talent Program Youth Project. His primary research areas include intelligent construction and operation, computer vision, engineering quality management and inspection, and semantic model reconstruction. He has led or participated in over ten projects, including the National Key Research and Development Program, the National Natural Science Foundation, and Jiangsu Provincial Science and Technology Programs. He has published more than 50 papers in international authoritative journals in the field of intelligent construction. His work has been cited over 3,500 times on Google Scholar, with an H-index of 30, and three of his papers have been listed as Highly Cited Papers by ESI. He holds seven international and domestic invention patents. Wang has been consecutively listed in Stanford University's Global Top 2% Scientists from 2022 to 2023. He serves as a committee member of the BIM Professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Graphics, a council member of the Engineering Construction Management Professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Technology Economics, and the Deputy Director of the Youth Innovation Working Committee of the Nanjing Civil Engineering and Architecture Society. He has received honors such as the Southeast University May Fourth Youth Medal.



Enhancing the efficiency and quality of construction and operation management in building engineering using next-generation digital technologies is a crucial task for the high-quality development of China's construction industry. The use of 3D point cloud data acquired through sensing technology can accurately describe the geometric shape of structures and offers high efficiency, high density, and high precision compared to traditional measurement methods. The speaker has long been engaged in research on intelligent construction and operation management technologies based on point cloud data. This research mainly includes dimensional deviation detection technology for engineering construction during the component production and construction phases, as well as existing structure model reconstruction technology during the facility operation and maintenance phase. By integrating artificial intelligence technology, it is possible to achieve efficient and accurate component dimensional deviation detection and automatic reconstruction of existing structure models, significantly improving the efficiency of construction and operation management.

上一条: 【40周年院庆系列活动】之学术活动第27场暨2024深圳大学工业化建造与绿色安全运维系列学术讲座第5场——被动辐射致冷技术概述:原理、应用与挑战



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