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Implementation Rules for the Special Recruitment of Doctoral Students for Talent Storage by Academician Xie Heping's Team of the Ministry of Education in 2024

Editor:土木高级账号    Release time:2024-05-17    Viewed:

In order to implement the national strategic deployment on the urgent need for high-level talent cultivation in key fields, focus on the urgent needs of the country for talents in major scientific and technological research fields, and develop new productive forces and promote high-quality development to cultivate urgently needed talents, the Ministry of Education has specially approved the doctoral enrollment and talent storage special project of Academician Xie Heping's team at Shenzhen University, and innovatively constructed a cross disciplinary, cross college, cross school, and cross disciplinary joint training model for outstanding innovative talents based on direct undergraduate and doctoral studies, continuous master's and doctoral studies, and application assessment system doctoral student enrollment. This talent storage project focuses on the cutting-edge exploration, disruptive technology,and interdisciplinary doctoral enrollment and training of Academician Xie Heping's team in key areas such as deep earth, deep sea, and deep space energy resource development, carbon neutrality CCUS/ZC-DCFC/SOEC low-carbon energy technology, medium and low temperature geothermal power generation/seawater direct hydrogen production, and safe and efficient large-scale energy storage. According to the requirements of the "Pilot Work Plan for Shenzhen University to Recruit Doctoral Students through" Application Review "(Shenzhen University [2014] No. 303) and the" Innovative Achievement Standards for Graduate Degree Applications at Shenzhen University "(Shenzhen University [2021] No. 152), the implementation rules for the 2024 doctoral student enrollment of this talent reserve program are hereby announced as follows:

1、 Basic principles

(1) Select the best candidates for admission, ensure quality, and prefer scarcity over abuse.

(2) Moderate competition between mentors and disciplines stimulates the intrinsic motivation for improving the quality of student resources.

(3) The entire process should be open, fair, and just.

2、 Enrollment majors, enrollment methods, and proposed enrollment numbers

The enrollment type for 2024 is academic doctoral students, and the enrollment majors, enrollment mentors, and proposed enrollment numbers are detailed in the table below:

Recruitment of professional codes, names, and directions

Intended number of recruits

Enrollment supervisor

081400 Civil Engineering

(Directions include: deep earth science and green energy, in-situ rock mechanics, engineering disturbance rock dynamics(statics), deep space material particle transport and evolution, lunar mining, deep sea and deep space fidelity core exploration, direct electrolysis of seawater for hydrogen production, geothermal energy utilization, CCUS and low-carbon technology, ZC-DCFC/SOEC/SOFC low-carbon energy, etc.)


Xie Heping, Dong Biqin, Long Wujian, Gao Mingzhong, Zhu Jianbo, Wang Xianfeng, Hong Shuxian, Liu Jun, An Senyou, Li Cunbao, Li MinghuiOff campus joint training supervisor:

Derek Elsworth (The Pennsylvania State University, Academician of the US Academy of Engineering and Foreign Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering)

Jian Zhao (Monash University)

Ranjith Gamage (Monash University, Academician of the Australian Academy of Technology, Science and Engineering, and Foreign Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering)

Zongping Shao (Curtin University)

Zhengmeng Hou (Claustal University of Technology)

Vahid Niasar (The University of Manchester)

Meng Ni (The Hong Kong Polytechnical University)

Ju Yang (China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing))

Zhou Hongwei (China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing))

Zhang Ru (Sichuan University)

Xie Yachen (Sichuan University)

Liu Tao (Sichuan University)

070300 Chemistry

080300 Optical Engineering

081200 Computer Science and Technology

0803Z2 Optoelectromechanical Engineering and Applications


Academician Xie Heping's team, in collaboration with academic advisors from other colleges:

Xu Jian (School of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering) - Chemistry

Huang Hui (School of Computer and Software) - Computer Science and Technology

Diao Dongfeng (School of Mechanical, Electrical and Control Engineering) - Optoelectromechanical and Electrical Engineering and Applications

He Chuanxin (School of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering)


Chen Jiajie (School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering) - Optical Engineering

3、 Application conditions

(1) Must meet all the conditions stipulated in the 2024 doctoral enrollment regulations of Shenzhen University.

(2) Foreign language proficiency must meet one of the following conditions:

1. Passed CET-4 or CET-6 (with a score of 425); 2. TOEFL score of 75 or above (old TOEFL score of 550); 3. IELTS score of 6 or above; 4. PETS5 level certificate of conformity; 5. GRE1200 points or above (new standard 310 points); 6. Obtained a master's or doctoral degree in an English speaking country or region; 7. I have published academic papers in English as the first author (or supervisor first, second author) in international journals.

(3) Candidates applying through the "application assessment" system must meet the following conditions:

1. Meet the requirements of (1) and (2) in the application conditions.

2. Individuals who have obtained a master's or doctoral degree, or recent master's graduates from domestic universities (must obtain a master's degree before the doctoral student enrolls). Individuals holding a master's degree certificate from a foreign university must obtain certification from the Ministry of Education's Study Abroad Service Center and submit a certification report.

3. Except for applicants who have obtained a master's degree from the top 200 universities in the world (latest QS rankings), they must have at least one officially published, authorized, or socially recognized achievement (excluding a thesis) within the field of their applied discipline. The achievements should have independent and complete content and form of existence, and can be presented in diversified forms, including but not limited to the following forms: officially published high-level academic papers, authorized invention patents, software copyrights, officially published academic works, think tank achievement reports directly approved by the main responsible person, certain level of scientific research awards, and other innovative achievements recognized by the enrollment profession. If the results are academic papers in the field of the applied discipline, the applicant should be the first two authors with the author's signature. If the applicant is the second author, their graduate supervisor should be the first author of the results. For academic papers of co first author, multiple corresponding authors, and other forms of achievements, the method of attribution recognition shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant disciplinary regulations of each college (department, center, laboratory) and research institute.

4. Agree that the admission category is non directed, and it is not allowed to change the admission category after determining the intended admission. Before admission, organizational relationships, personnel files, etc. must be transferred to the Shenzhen University Archives, otherwise the Admission Notice will not be issued.

(4) Candidates applying through the combination of master's and doctoral programs must meet the following conditions:

1. Meet the requirements of (1) and (2) in the application conditions.

2. A full-time master's student in the second year of our school (enrolled in September 2022), currently pursuing a master's degree in a related or similar major to the applied major, has passed all the courses specified in the master's program, achieved excellent grades, has strong academic research abilities, and has the potential to achieve innovative results, and has been approved and recommended by the master's supervisor.

3. Master's and doctoral candidates still need to participate in the mid-term assessment of the master's stage.

(5) Applicants who apply through direct undergraduate, master's, and doctoral programs (duration: 3+1+5 years, starting in the fall of 2025) must meet the following conditions:

1. Meet the requirements of (1) and (2) in the application conditions.

2. Full time undergraduate students in third grade or full-time undergraduate students in fourth grade who are eligible for recommendation for graduate studies.

4、 Selection process

(1) Personal application

Candidates need to contact the applying supervisor in advance, apply to them, and apply with their supervisor's approval.

1. Online registration. Qualified applicants need to register on the China Graduate Admissions Information Network( http://yz.chsi.com.cn/bsbm )Register on your own. The deadline for online registration is May 30, 2024.

2. Submit materials. Applicants are required to mail the following application materials via EMS (or SF Express) to the Office of the Special Admissions Working Group (Address: 8th Floor, Huixing Building, Yuehai Campus, Shenzhen University, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China) before May 30, 2024 (subject to postmark). The recipient is Mr. Chen, and the phone number is 13922808164. Unless otherwise specified, applicants for direct undergraduate and doctoral studies, combined postgraduate and doctoral studies, and the "application assessment" system are required to submit the following:

(1) Summary of Online Registration Information for Doctoral Degree Postgraduates (Applicants can log in to the China Graduate Admissions Information Network)( http://yz.chsi.com.cn/bsbm ), register online, print and confirm with my signature);

(2) Applicants for master's and doctoral programs should submit the "Application Form for Shenzhen University's 2024 Master's and Doctoral Program", while applicants for the "Application Assessment" system should submit the "Application Form for Shenzhen University's 2024 Master's and Doctoral Program"; Applicants for direct undergraduate, master's, and doctoral programs should submit the "2024 Application Form for Direct Undergraduate, Master's, and Doctoral Programs at Shenzhen University".

(3) Applicants for master's and doctoral programs, as well as fresh master's graduates, should submit the "Shenzhen University 2024 Doctoral Student Political Review (Realistic Performance) Materials", which should be filled out by the Party Committee of their college (this item may not be provided at the time of application, but must be submitted according to the requirements of the form after passing the interview);

(4) Copy of degree and educational certificate (fresh master's graduates must submit a proof of enrollment from the graduate school or graduate management department of their institution, which is not required for current master's students at this university). Applicants for master's and doctoral programs should submit a copy of their student ID (which should include personal information, photos, and registration information of the student); Applicants for direct undergraduate, master's, and doctoral programs should submit a copy of their student ID (which should include personal information, photos, and registration information);

(5) The original transcript of the master's program (stamped with the official seal of the graduate score management department), and the original printed transcript of the first academic year issued by the graduate school shall be submitted by the applicant for the master's and doctoral program; Applicants for direct undergraduate, master's, and doctoral programs must provide the original transcript of their undergraduate courses (stamped with the official seal of the undergraduate score management department);

(6) Master's thesis (fresh graduate master's students can provide abstract and table of contents, etc., not required for applicants of master's and doctoral programs or direct undergraduate and doctoral programs);

(7) Written recommendation letters from at least two experts with associate professor or above titles (or equivalent professional and technical titles) in the field of the applied discipline (recommendation letters must use the template provided by our university);

(8) Submit a scientific research proposal for pursuing a doctoral degree (no less than 3000 words, see application form);

(9) Proof of Foreign Language Proficiency (National College English Test Band 4 and 6 Certificates, New TOEFL Transcript, IELTS Transcript, Full English Teaching Degree Project Degree Certificate, etc.):

(10) A copy of the award certificate, a copy of a publicly published academic paper, proof of patents and other original achievements obtained;

(11) A physical examination certificate issued by a hospital at or above the third level A level (applicants for master's and doctoral programs do not need to submit it);

(12) Copy of the front and back of the second-generation ID card;

(13) Please refer to the attachment for the relevant table template.

The applicant guarantees the authenticity and accuracy of the above materials. Applicants who provide false or untrue information will be disqualified from the examination once verified.

3. Applicants can log in to the 2024 Shenzhen University Doctoral Student Application System( http://ehall.szu.edu.cn/gsapp/sys/bsyjsbmszu/login/goLogin.do )After registering according to the registration information brief form, follow the system prompts to fill in and upload the application materials (electronic version). If there are applicants with multiple registration numbers, the final registration number submitted shall prevail. Applicants must perform relevant operations on this application system.

(2) Qualification review

After receiving the materials from the applicants, the Talent Reserve Special Working Group will organize no less than 3 people to conduct qualification review based on the application conditions, and report the review results to the Graduate Admissions Office. The Graduate Admissions Office will conduct spot checks on the review results and publicly disclose them to the public.

(3) Mentor recommendation

The Talent Reserve Special Working Group will submit the applicant's materials to the supervisor they are applying for. The supervisor will review the applicant's materials, provide recommendations, and rank the applicants who are also applying for the position. The working group in this section respects the enrollment autonomy of the supervisor.

(4) Expert preliminary review to determine the list of re examination and assessment

We have established an expert group specifically for talent storage, which will carefully review the applicant's materials according to the relevant implementation rules, and conduct a preliminary evaluation and screening of the applicant's research and innovation capabilities. The expert group will determine the list of applicants who will enter the reexamination assessment stage based on the intention of the enrollment supervisor and a certain proportion of the difference in the reexamination. Applicants who do not have a mentor's recommendation will not be included in the interview assessment process. The list of applicants who plan to enter the reexamination assessment stage will be publicly announced on the Shenzhen University Graduate Admissions Network. Those who have no objections to the announcement can enter the reexamination assessment stage.

(5) Re examination assessment (comprehensive interview)

This talent reserve program will organize experts to conduct subject re examination and assessment. The specific time, location, and assessment method will be notified to candidates in advance and announced on the Shenzhen University Graduate Admissions Network. The specific requirements for the assessment are as follows:

1. The assessment content includes four parts: foreign language proficiency (100 points), professional quality (100 points), research potential (200 points), and comprehensive ability (100 points), with a total of 500 points. The focus is on assessing the applicant's scientific research and innovation ability, whether they have the potential and quality to be trained as doctoral students in their first level discipline, as well as their comprehensive ability to analyze, solve problems, and innovate. In addition, the applicant's comprehensive qualities such as ideological, political, psychological, and moral qualities will also be assessed.

2. During the assessment process, each applicant is required to present their personal profile, academic performance, research topic, research achievements, and research plan during their doctoral studies. The assessment experts will rate the applicant based on four aspects: foreign language proficiency (100 points), professional competence (100 points), research potential (200 points), and comprehensive ability (100 points). The highest and lowest scores will be removed and the average (rounded to two decimal places) will be taken as the applicant's final score. Recommended mentors can provide additional information, but should avoid discussing scoring.

3. The assessment process is standardized and fully recorded, with an interview time of no less than 20 minutes. There are on-site records, grades, and comments.

4. Before early June 2024 (subject to specific implementation time), the college shall submit a list of proposed admissions to the school in descending order of the total assessment score (admission will not be accepted if the score is below 300), and submit relevant materials to the Graduate Admissions Office.

5、 Supervision mechanism

(1) Information disclosure. This talent reserve program will publicly disclose enrollment policies, enrollment regulations, enrollment plans, enrollment major catalogs, applicant qualifications, application procedures, admission results, consultation and appeal channels, major violations, and handling results as required. At the same time, relevant implementation rules, enrollment numbers, and relevant information of all applicants participating in the assessment will be promptly disclosed to the society on the website of our unit. If there are any changes to the list during the announcement period of the proposed admission list, a special explanation must be given for the changes, and the changes will be announced for another 10 working days. Unauthorized applicants are not allowed to be admitted.

(2) Applicants should truthfully provide application materials. If the applicant is found to have submitted false materials, cheated, or engaged in other disciplinary violations, they will be dealt with seriously in accordance with relevant national laws, regulations, and regulations of the Ministry of Education. If this results in the inability to be admitted or other related consequences, the applicant shall bear the responsibility.

(3) Each assessment member must abide by academic and professional ethical standards.

6、 Other instructions

For doctoral students who are recruited through interdisciplinary collaboration with the team of Academician Xie Heping through this special program, joint training will be conducted in accordance with the principle of "one source, one direction, and one agreement". That is, one doctoral student source corresponds to one interdisciplinary research direction, and a specific joint training program agreement will be signed. The research direction of doctoral students should be closely integrated with the main frontier explorations, key areas, and interdisciplinary directions of Academician Xie Heping's team. The entire process of recruitment and training for doctoral students in this talent reserve program (topic selection, mid-term assessment, graduation defense, etc.) is organized and fully participated in by the team of Academician Xie Heping. It adopts a cross disciplinary, cross college, cross school, and cross disciplinary, cross disciplinary and multi mentor collaborative guidance model to cultivate outstanding innovative talents.

Academician Xie Heping's Team: Special Working Group for

Doctoral Talent Storage of the Ministry of Education

May 7, 2024

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