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Associate Professor Yi Yaolin from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore visited our institution for an academic exchange meeting

Editor:土木高级账号    Release time:2024-07-11    Viewed:

On July 10, 2024, Associate Professor Yi Yaolin from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore visited our institution for an academic exchange meeting. Academician Chen Xiangsheng, Dean of our institute and the Future Underground City Research Institute, along with more than 10 industry scholars, attended the conference online. Professor Wang Shuying, Vice Dean of the institute, and over 20 doctoral and master's students also attended the conference in person. The exchange meeting was held in Room 1007, Zhili Building, Yuehai Campus (South District).

Associate Professor Yi Yaolin delivered an academic report titled 'Use of three solid wastes/by products for land reclamation and their stability/durability in seawater'.

The report explores the importance of land reclamation in areas with limited land resources, discusses the advantages of new filling materials, and introduces the feasibility of using three types of solid waste/by-products: marine clay, incineration bottom ash, and ground slag as filling materials.

Academician Chen Xiangsheng warmly welcomes the arrival of Associate Professor Yi Yaolin and looks forward to strengthening exchanges and cooperation in the future, injecting new impetus into innovative development in related fields.

Subsequently, the attending teachers, students, and Associate Professor Yi Yaolin exchanged and discussed the content of the academic report.

Last:National engineering survey and design master Zhao Yuanchao visited our institute to hold an academic exchange meeting

Next:Professor Giulia Viggiani from the University of Cambridge, UK, visited our institution for an academic exchange meeting


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