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Professor Giulia Viggiani from the University of Cambridge, UK, visited our institution for an academic exchange meeting

Editor:土木高级账号    Release time:2024-07-11    Viewed:

On June 21, 2024, Professor Giulia Viggiani from the University of Cambridge, UK, visited our institution for an academic exchange conference. Academician Chen Xiangsheng, Dean of our institute and the Future Underground City Research Institute, met with guests and presided over the meeting. Professor Wang Shuying, Vice Dean of the institute, relevant professional teachers, postdoctoral fellows, and doctoral and master's students attended the meeting. The exchange meeting was held in Conference Room 1007, Zhili Building, Yuehai Campus (South District).

Professor Giulia Viggiani first presented an academic report titled 'Artistic Ground FREEZING IN Underground Construction'.

The report starts from the concept of AGF (Artificial Ground Freezing Method) and explores its advantages in forming frozen soil walls during construction to support deep foundation pits and structural support for foundation reinforcement. It also introduces the application of AGF on Line 1 in Naples, Italy.

Academician Chen Xiangsheng warmly welcomed and sincerely thanked Professor Giulia Viggiani for her arrival, and shared the development history and future plans of Shenzhen University, the School of Civil and Transportation Engineering, and the Future Underground City Research Institute. The focus was on the construction of high-level talent teams, scientific research platforms, and innovative technology applications. He looked forward to promoting international talent exchange and cooperation, strengthening international talent training, and promoting technological innovation in related fields in the future.

At the exchange meeting, the attending teachers and students, as well as Professor Giulia Viggiani, engaged in discussions and exchanges on the ideas for the future development of AGF.

Last:Associate Professor Yi Yaolin from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore visited our institution for an academic exchange meeting

Next:Professor Chen Haoyao from Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) Visits Our College Conduct academic exchange meetings


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