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Professor Chen Haoyao from Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) Visits Our College Conduct academic exchange meetings

Editor:土木高级账号    Release time:2024-06-18    Viewed:

On June 3, 2024, Professor Chen Haoyao from Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) visited our institute for an academic exchange meeting. Professor Su Dong, Vice Dean of the research institute, relevant professional teachers, postdoctoral fellows, and doctoral and master's students attended the meeting. The exchange meeting was held in Room 1007, Zhili Building, Yuehai Campus (South District).

Professor Su Dong first warmly welcomes Professor Chen Haoyao's arrival. Professor Chen Haoyao gave an academic report titled "Progress in Key Technologies of Field Robot Perception and Planning".

The report focuses on three key technologies of rescue robots: perception of stable environments, fast path planning, and accurate motion control algorithms. This article provides a detailed introduction to the technical difficulties and solutions of ground robots in rescue work in a wide field environment, and elaborates on the research progress of the NROS laboratory research team on ground mobile robots in recent years.

Subsequently, the attending teachers, students, and Professor Chen Haoyao had exchanges and discussions on the content of the academic report.

Last:Professor Giulia Viggiani from the University of Cambridge, UK, visited our institution for an academic exchange meeting

Next:Professor Wang Linbing from the University of Georgia in the United States visited our university to hold an academic exchange meeting


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