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Assistant Professor Wang Mingzhu from City University of Hong Kong and Assistant Professor Deng Min from Texas Institute of Technology in the United States visited our institution for academic exchange meetings

Editor:土木高级账号    Release time:2024-06-18    Viewed:

On June 5, 2024, Assistant Professor Wang Mingzhu from City University of Hong Kong and Assistant Professor Deng Min from Texas Institute of Technology visited our institution for an academic exchange meeting. Professor Hu Mingwei, Associate Professor Wu Zezhou, Associate Professor Tan Yi, and several doctoral and master's students from the college attended the conference. The exchange meeting was held in the BIM conference room on the second floor of the Zhigong Building at the Canghai Campus.

Teacher Tan Yi first warmly welcomed the arrival of Assistant Professors Deng Min and Wang Mingzhu. Assistant Professor Deng Min gave an academic report titled "Advancing Management and Control of Industrial Environments Through Human Centered Artistic Intelligence".

The report introduces the innovative concept of Human Digital Identity (DID), discusses the framework based on DID to optimize the thermal comfort and building energy consumption of residents through flexible workplace collaboration, and how DID can improve the productivity of residents through physiological sensing technology.

Subsequently, Assistant Professor Wang Mingzhu gave an academic presentation titled "Computer Vision Aided Construction Safety Management and Civil Infrastructure Health Monitoring".

The report introduces research on using data fusion and deep learning techniques to monitor on-site workers, construction equipment, and their interactions, as well as how to use visual data to detect and evaluate various civil infrastructure. At the same time, it discusses preliminary efforts in addressing challenges related to data scarcity and environmental condition changes.

Subsequently, the attending teachers and students, as well as Assistant Professors Wang Mingzhu and Deng Min, held exchanges and discussions on the content of the academic report.

Last:Professor Wang Linbing from the University of Georgia in the United States visited our university to hold an academic exchange meeting

Next:Professor Zhang Qianbing and Dr. Zhu Huamei from Monash University in Australia visited our institution for exchanges


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