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Professor Zhang Qianbing and Dr. Zhu Huamei from Monash University in Australia visited our institution for exchanges

Editor:土木高级账号    Release time:2024-05-17    Viewed:

On April 24, 2024, Professor Zhang Qianbing and Dr. Zhu Huamei from Monash University in Australia visited our institute for exchange. The vice dean of the institute, Professor Su Dong, the chief information engineer, Professor Hu Mingwei, the chief engineer, Professor Fu Yanbin, thedean'sassistant, Associate Professor Hong Chengyu, and relevant professional teachers met with the guests. The two sides conducted exchanges in Room 1007, Zhili Building, Yuehai Campus (South District), and more than 30 doctoral and master's students participated in this exchange meeting.

Associate Professor Hong Chengyu first warmly welcomes the arrival of Professor Zhang Qianbing and Dr. Zhu Huamei. Professor Zhang Qianbing gave an academic report titled "Sustainable and Resilient Underground Infrastructure: Research Progress and Cases".

The report explores the opportunities and challenges faced by underground engineering construction, introduces the application and interaction platform of digital technology, explores carbon emissions and structural stability assessment schemes, and briefly introduces the submission requirements, manuscript acceptance ratio, journal impact factor, review cycle and process of the Journal of Tunnel and Underground Space Technology.

Dr. Zhu Huamei gave an academic report titled "Health Monitoring of Underground Facilities Driven by Data and Simulation".

The report discusses the application of different detection devices (cameras, ground penetrating radar, etc.) in evaluating the health status of underground facilities, data interpretation methods based on deep learning, and scenario prediction driven by numerical simulation.

At the exchange meeting, Professor Zhang Qianbing presented Assistant Professor Qiu Tong with the Best Paper Award certificate for 2023 in the Journal of Tunnel and Underground Space Technology. The winning paper was "A novel interfaces contact model for analyzing assembled joints of prefabricated underground structures" (authored by Qiu Tong, Su Dong, Chen Xiangsheng *, Chen Kunyang, Shen Jun, Wang Lei, Zheng Zhenji).

The attending teachers and students, as well as Professor Zhang Qianbing and Dr. Zhu Huamei, exchanged and discussed issues such as journal submissions, tunnel segment types, underground pipeline penetration, and radar fine modeling.

Last:Assistant Professor Wang Mingzhu from City University of Hong Kong and Assistant Professor Deng Min from Texas Institute of Technology in the United States visited our institution for academic exchange meetings

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