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Implementation Rules for the Recruitment of 2024 "Direct PhD Students" in Civil Engineering, College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, SZU

Editor:董婉悦    Release time:2023-09-27    Viewed:

In order to meet the needs of the university to accelerate the creation of a world-class comprehensive university, to further explore and improve the selection mechanism of doctoral degree, according to the spirit of the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education, and taking into account the actual situation of the college, the college will recruit outstanding fresh undergraduates with the qualification of recommending and exempting from the examination to study for doctoral degree (referred to as "direct doctoral degree students") directly. In order to clarify the work requirements, standardise the operation procedures and improve the quality of selection, the implementation plan for the admission of "direct doctoral students" in 2024 is announced as follows:

I. Basic Principles

To stimulate the intrinsic motivation to improve the quality of student source by moderate competition among tutors and disciplines, and to adhere to the principles of quality first, comprehensive measurement, admission based on merit, and preferring the lack of students to the abundance of students.

II.Admission Methods

The admission of direct PhD students in this programme refers to the admission method of selecting outstanding fresh undergraduates who have obtained the qualification of recommending exemptions from graduate studies in China to directly obtain the qualification for admission to PhD students.

Only full-time non-directed doctoral students who study in off-the-job mode are admitted, and the duration of study is 5 years. All candidates to be admitted must transfer their personnel records to the Graduate Records Office of the University within a specified period of time, otherwise the admission qualification will be cancelled.

III.Admission specialities and proposed number of students

Admission of "direct PhD students" for the first-level disciplines of civil engineering admissions specialties, the number of three people.

IV. the application requirements (must be satisfied at the same time)

1. Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), have the correct political direction, love the motherland, be willing to serve the socialist modernisation, abide by the law, and be of good conduct.

2. Applicants are fresh undergraduates who have obtained the qualification of recommendation for exemption from graduate study.

3. Excellent academic performance, strong interest in academic research, strong innovative spirit and scientific research ability. Priority will be given to those who have participated in scientific research, national academic competitions and other activities with outstanding performance during their studies.

4. Strong language skills, high level of foreign language proficiency, and provide appropriate proof of English results (see item (6) of the documents to be submitted for individual application).

5. Physical fitness in accordance with the Guidelines for Physical Examination for Admission to Colleges and Universities formulated by the Ministry of Education and other departments.

V. Selection Process

(I) Individual application

1. Submission of materials. Applicants shall send the following materials by EMS mail or SF Express to B501, Zhigong Building, Yuehai Campus, Shenzhen University, No. 3688 Nanhai Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China, 0755-26918270, to Ms. Qiu, by postmark on or before 10 October;

(1) Application Form for Recruitment of Outstanding Fresh Undergraduates to Study for Doctoral Degree Directly by Shenzhen University

(2) Original certificate of enrolment or copy of student card (should contain personal information, photo and registration of the student);

(3) Original course transcripts (with the official seal of the university's performance management department);

(4) Written recommendation letters from two or more persons with the title of associate professor or above (or experts with equivalent professional and technical titles) in the field of the discipline and speciality applied for (the recommendation letters shall use the template provided by the university);

(5) Submit a scientific research proposal for the proposed doctoral degree (no less than 3,000 words, see the application form);

(6) Proof of at least one of the following English grades must be provided:

① Passing the National Level 6 (425 points for Level 6) or National Level 4 (425 points for Level 4); ② TOEFL score of 75 or above (550 points for the old TOEFL); ③ IELTS score of 6 or above; ④ PETS level 5 pass certificate; ⑤ GRE 1200 or above (310 points for the new standard).

(7) Copies of award certificates, copies of published academic papers, patents and other original research results;

(8) Certificate of passing physical examination issued by a Grade 3A hospital;

(9) A copy of the front and back of the second generation ID card;

(10) Documents of Political Examination (Realistic Performance) for Doctoral Candidates of Shenzhen University in 2024, which shall be filled in by the Party Committee of the college in which the candidate is enrolled (this document can be exempted from the application, but it must be submitted in accordance with the requirements of the form after he/she passes the re-examination).

2. Online application. According to the application procedures stipulated in the "Regulations on Acceptance of Recommended Exemptions for Graduate Students of Shenzhen University in 2024 (Including Direct PhD Students)", applicants shall fill in the application for direct PhD students on the "Exemption Service System" of China Graduate Student Recruitment Information Network (hereinafter referred to as the Research Recruitment Network) from September 28 to October 20, and then apply for the direct PhD students' majors in the online application system.

(II) Qualification Examination of Disciplines

After receiving the materials from the applicants, the College shall organise not less than three persons to review the qualification of the applicants in accordance with the application conditions, and the result of the review shall be announced to the public.

(III) Preliminary examination of disciplines and determination of the assessment list

The College shall form a disciplinary expert group to carefully examine the materials of the applicants in accordance with the relevant implementation rules formulated by the disciplines, and make preliminary evaluation of the scientific research and innovation ability of the applicants for screening. Taking into account the intention of the tutors applied by the applicants, the College will determine the list of applicants who will enter the review (interview) stage according to a certain percentage of differential review. The list of applicants to be admitted to the interview and assessment stage is publicised on the College website.

(IV) Discipline assessment

The College organises experts to conduct interview assessment, the specific form, time and place shall be notified to the candidates in advance and announced to the public, the specific requirements of the assessment are as follows:

1.The assessment includes four parts: foreign language proficiency, professional quality, research potential and comprehensive ability, focusing on the applicant's scientific research and innovation ability and whether he/she possesses the potential and quality for the training of doctoral students in this level of discipline, as well as examining the applicant's comprehensive ability of analysing, solving problems and carrying out innovation. In addition, the applicant's ideological, political, psychological, moral quality and other comprehensive qualities shall also be assessed.

2. During the assessment process, each applicant is required to present his/her personal profile, academic achievements, research projects, scientific research achievements, and research plans during the proposed doctoral degree. Admission supervisor can introduce the relevant information, but must be avoided when discussing the scoring.

3. Standardise the assessment process, the interview time is not less than 20 minutes, and make on-site records and performance statistics. The whole assessment process shall be video-recorded for inspection, and the Graduate School/Disciplinary Committee may send someone to observe the interview if they think it is necessary.

4. Before 16 October 2023, the college will submit the list of proposed admissions to the university according to the assessment scores in descending order, and report the relevant materials to the Graduate School (application materials, assessment record sheets and audio-visual recordings, etc.).(V) Review by the School's Leading Group of Graduate Admission Work

The Leading Group of Graduate Student Admission of the school reviews the applicants' application materials, disciplinary assessment materials and the recommendation opinions of the disciplinary points. Within the enrollment quota of direct doctoral students of each admission major, the applicant who passes the examination shall receive the notification of acceptance in time as required in the "Removal Service System" of the research recruitment website within the specified time. If the enrollment quotas of individual majors are not used up, the university will take back the quotas and use them according to the application situation of each major.

VI. Supervisory mechanisms

(I) Information disclosure. According to the requirements of the Ministry of Education on the disclosure of information, the enrollment method of "direct students" shall be based on accurate information collection, standard disclosure procedures, and timely release of content. The Graduate School and the admission colleges (departments, centres, laboratories), in accordance with the division of work, take the initiative to disclose the admission policy, admission regulations, admission plan, admission catalogue, applicant qualifications, application procedures, admission results, consultation and complaint channels, major violations and results. Admission colleges (departments, centres and laboratories) shall promptly publish the relevant implementation rules, as well as the number of students enrolled and the relevant information of all applicants participating in the assessment on the website of the unit to the society. The final list of proposed admissions shall be publicised for 10 working days in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education on admissions. If there are any changes to the list of applicants to be admitted during the period of publicity, a special explanation of the changes shall be made and the changes shall be publicised for another 10 working days. Applicants without public announcement shall not be admitted.

(III) the disciplinary expert group and members of the interview and assessment expert group shall abide by the code of academic and professional ethics. Depending on the specific circumstances, the admissions colleges (departments, centres, laboratories) and individuals with problems will be given treatment such as reduction of admissions plan, suspension of admissions, revocation of tutor qualification, and notification and criticism.

(IV) Graduate School and the school discipline inspection (supervision) office to set up enrolment violations of the report telephone and e-mail are as follows:

Supervision telephone: 0755-22671162 (Discipline Inspection Committee), 0755-26536177 (Research and Admission Office);

E-mail:jiwei@szu.edu.cn(Discipline Inspection Committee),szuyz@szu.edu.cn(Research and Admission Office).

College of Civil and Traffic Engineering, Shenzhen University

26th September 2023


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