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Qualification Review Results of Application Materials for Doctoral Students in Civil and Hydraulic Engineering in 2024 at Our College - Second Round

Editor:土木高级账号    Release time:2024-06-18    Viewed:

According to the Implementation Plan for the 2024 Doctoral Enrollment Work of Shenzhen University and the Implementation Rules for the 2024 Doctoral Enrollment Work of Civil Engineering and Water Conservancy Majors in Our College (Second Round) - Updated Version after Mentor Change, candidates who participate in our college's combined master's and doctoral programs and apply for assessment methods to enroll doctoral students will submit their materials to the college, and the college will conduct a qualification review of the received applicant materials.

The list of applicants who have passed the qualification review for the Civil Engineering and Water Conservancy major (School of Civil and Transportation Engineering) is hereby made public. If you have any objections, please report them to our admissions office.

Civil and Hydraulic Engineering: Chen Huan, Yu Xi, Zhu Xiaochun, Tan Zhengjun, Li Peize, Pang Dongqing, Duan Xin, Wu Beiyu, Zhang Youhua, Liao Feng, Nie Xinxin, Rao Wei, Hu Haodong

School of Civil and Transportation Engineering

June 3, 2024

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