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2024 Graduate student transfer information of College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University

Editor:土木高级账号    Release time:2024-04-01    Viewed:

Availability of transferring

1. Receive and adjust professional

Civil Engineering (Master)

Professional code: 081400

Length of study: 3 years

Degree awarded: Master of Engineering

Quota: 35

Number of candidates for reexamination: 70

Civil Engineering (Professional Master)

Professional Code: 085901

Length of study: 3 years

Degree awarded: Master of Engineering

Quota: 61

Number of candidates for reexamination: 122

2. Transferring time

China Graduate Enrollment Information Network (hereinafter referred to as research Enrollment network) "National Master's student Enrollment transfer Service System" (hereinafter referred to as the transfer system) will be opened on April 8, and our university will release student shortage information in the transfer system on April 8.

3, The basic conditions of transferring:

(1) Must comply with the transfer policy requirements of the Ministry of Education and the school.

(2) Full-time majors do not accept candidates who apply for part-time majors.

(3) The preliminary examination results meet the "Basic requirements for National Preliminary Examination Results" of the first volunteer for professional Class A candidates.

(4) In principle, the first major of the transfer candidate is the same and similar to the transferred major, or the initial test subjects are the same and similar to the initial test subjects of the transferred major. One voluntary subject category is Engineering (08), one voluntary unified examination subject must be Ideological and Political Theory, English (1) or English (2), Mathematics (1) or Mathematics (2).

Contact information

College home page web site: /index.htm

School rind recruit web: https://yz.szu.edu.cn/index.htm

Contact number: 0755-26732826

Contact: Mr. Li

E-mail: 2286917563@qq.com

Introduction to the College of Civil and Transportation Engineering

Historical origin and objectives:

The College of Civil and Transportation Engineering of Shenzhen University originated from the Department of Structural and Municipal Engineering, which was built by Tsinghua University in 1984. In 1993, it was renamed as the Department of Civil Engineering, and in 1997, the Department of Architecture and the Department of Environmental Design were combined to form the School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, and in 2006, the independent College of Civil Engineering was established, which was renamed as the College of Civil and Transportation Engineering in January 2019, in accordance with the principle of "self-reliance" of SZU.

The college adheres to the spirit of Shenzhen University's motto of "Self-support, Self-discipline, Self-improvement" and the motto of "Build sincerity by tamping the earth and excellence by inspiring the wood", which is to be practical and self-improvement. Through years of development, the college has cultivated a spiritual temperament and cultural atmosphere of honesty, steadiness and practicality.

Specialization and Degree Conferment:

The College has a doctoral program in the first discipline of civil engineering, a doctoral program in the professional degree of civil engineering and water conservancy, a doctoral program in the first discipline of management science and engineering (engineering) (jointly with the School of Management), and master's programs in the first disciplines of civil engineering and management science and engineering (engineering), as well as master's programs in the first disciplines of civil engineering and traffic and transportation engineering. Civil Engineering is recognized as an advantageous key discipline in Guangdong Province.In 2019, the college was approved to set up a postdoctoral research station for the first-level discipline of Civil Engineering.


There are 135 full-time faculty members. Among them, there are 3 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 1 foreign academician of the Japanese Academy of Engineering, 3 foreign academicians of the Russian Academy of Engineering, 1 foreign academician of the Ukrainian National Academy of Engineering, 20 national high-level talents, 1 excellent teacher of Guangdong Province in NanYue Province, and 2 scholars of Shenzhen City of Pengcheng, 99% of the faculty members have doctoral degrees, and all of them come from famous universities at home and abroad, and 78% of them have doctoral degrees. 99% of the teachers have doctoral degrees, all of them come from famous universities at home and abroad, and 78% of them have overseas study and working experience.

Teaching and Research Platform:

Through the reorganization, the college has established the National Key Laboratory of Intelligent Construction and Healthy Operation and Maintenance of Deep Earth Engineering, the National Key Laboratory of Intelligent Construction and Maintenance of Geotechnical and Tunneling Engineering in Extreme Environments, and the National Key Laboratory of Green and Long-life Road Engineering in Extreme Environments. National Key Laboratory of Extreme Environment Geotechnical and Tunnel Engineering Intelligent Construction and Healthy Operation and Maintenance", "National Key Laboratory of Extreme Environment Geotechnical and Tunnel Engineering Intelligent Construction and Maintenance" and "National Key Laboratory of Extreme Environment Green Long-life Road Engineering", as well as three national key laboratories, including the branch office of the State Key Laboratory of Natural Gas Hydrate, the branch office of the State Key Laboratory of Special Functional Waterproofing Materials, and three national research platforms. There are five teaching and research platforms at the ministry and provincial level, such as Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education for Resilient Infrastructure of Coastal Cities, Key Laboratory of Coastal Civil Engineering Durability of Guangdong Province, Key Laboratory of Deep-Earth Science and Geothermal Energy Exploitation and Utilization of Guangdong Province, Key Laboratory of Geo-Environmental Monitoring in the Greater Bay Area of the Ministry of Natural Resources, and Experimental Teaching Center of Civil Engineering of Guangdong Province, etc.; and there are Key Laboratory of Civil Engineering Durability of Shenzhen City, Key Laboratory of Shenzhen City, Key Laboratory of Deep Engineering Science and Green Energy Key Laboratory, Shenzhen Maritime Infrastructure Safety and Monitoring Key Laboratory, Shenzhen Metro Underground Station Green, Efficient and Intelligent Construction Key Laboratory and other four key teaching and research platforms in Shenzhen City; and Delft University Microlab, the Netherlands and the Binhai International Joint Laboratory of Civil Engineering Materials; and the China Building Information Modeling Industry Development Alliance and the Swinburne University of Science and Technology, Australia to jointly build the construction Internet and B The China Building Information Modeling Industry Development Alliance and Swinburne University of Technology (Australia) have jointly established the Building Internet and BIM Experimental Research Center and the Sino-Australia BIM and Intelligent Construction Joint Research Center.

Science and Education Achievements:

In 2022, Academician Xie Heping's team published a disruptive paper entitled "A membrane-based seawater electrolyser for hydrogen generation" in Nature, which was selected as one of the "Top 10 Science and Technology Progress News in China in 2022". China's Top 10 Science and Technology Progress News in 2022" and "Global Top 10 Science and Technology Innovation Focus in 2022". In addition, the faculty members have achieved remarkable results in serving the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, especially the major projects in Shenzhen through the "four directions", and have made breakthroughs and achieved good results in a number of major projects, such as the Qianhai FTZ, Hengqin FTZ, Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, Yantian International, Shenzhen Airport, Shenzhen Metro, Shenzhen North Railway Station, the National Aquatics Center (Water Cube), and the National Speedskating Pavilion, and so on. Many scientific and technological problems have been broken through in many major projects, and good economic and social benefits have been achieved. The research achievements have won three second prizes of National Technical Invention Award, one second prize of National Scientific and Technological Progress Award, and 2021 International Tunneling and Underground Space Association (ITA) Transcendental Engineering Award; in the past five years, the faculty and staff of the college have won 29 provincial and ministerial special prizes, and first and second prizes.

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Address: Canghai District, Shenzhen University, People's Republic of China      E-mail: 450410031@qq.com  
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