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2024 Master's Degree Transfer Review Work Implementation Rules of College of Civil and Transportation Engineering

Editor:土木高级账号    Release time:2024-04-06    Viewed:

According to the Ministry of Education's "Regulations on the Administration of National Postgraduate Enrollment Work in 2024" (Teaching [2023] No. 2), "Notice on the Re-examination Admission of National Postgraduate students in 2024" (Department of Teaching [2024] No. 1), "Notice on Further standardizing and Strengthening Postgraduate Enrollment work" (Teaching Office [2019] No. 2), etc The spirit of the documents related to graduate student enrollment and the charter of Enrollment of Master students in 2024 of our university, combined with the actual situation of our college, we hereby formulate the working rules for the admission of re-examination.

I.the principle of re-examination work

(1) Adhere to comprehensive evaluation and improve the quality of enrollment. To carry out the fundamental task of promoting morality and cultivating people, we must adhere to the comprehensive measurement of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, the United States and labor, take morality as the important content of the re-examination and the important basis for admission, and those who fail to pass the ideological and moral assessment will not be admitted; To improve the classification selection mechanism, it is necessary to improve the quality of selection as the core, further improve and perfect the re-examination assessment and evaluation mechanism, improve the scientific and effective re-examination, and promote high-level top-notch innovative talents to stand out.

(2) Adhere to strict management to ensure fairness and justice. Strict re-examination, adjustment and admission management, adhere to the principle of "selecting the best admission, preferring the poor over the poor", ensure that the re-examination work is standardized and orderly, and resolutely safeguard the fairness and justice of the national education examination.

(3) Adhere to the people-oriented, optimize the service of candidates. Timely release the work methods of re-examination, adjustment and admission of the unit to ensure smooth communication of information and timely answer questions for candidates.

(4)Strengthen leadership to ensure security and stability. Implement the main responsibility, strengthen emergency response, strengthen public opinion response, strengthen the examination and submission of admission data, and ensure the safety, smooth and stable process of re-examination.

II. Leadership and organization of re-examination work

(1) re-examination work leading group

The re-examination work leading group of the College is responsible for the organization and leadership of the re-examination work of the college.

(2) Professional re-examination group

The re-examination group of each major is fully responsible for the re-examination work of the major.

III.Indicators of professional transfers

College name Degree type Professional code Professional name Transfer indicators Number of people to be re-examed
College of Civil and Transportation Engineering Professional degree 085901 Civil engineering 61
College of Civil and Transportation Engineering Academic degree 081400 Civil engineering 35 70

IV. List of candidates for retesting

The list of transfer students participating in the reexamination will be determined after the opening of the national transfer system.

V. Transfer Regulations

(I) the basic conditions for transfer

1. The applicants must meet the application conditions stipulated in the 2024 Master's Degree Enrollment Guidelines of Shenzhen University.

2. Full-time majors will not accept the transfer of candidates applying for part-time majors.

3. The results of the preliminary examination shall conform to the Basic Requirements for National Preliminary Examination Results for Category A Candidates of the First Volunteer Application Specialties.

4. In principle, the first volunteer specialty of the transfer candidates is the same and similar to the transferred specialty, or the subjects of the preliminary examination are the same and similar to the subjects of the preliminary examination of the transferred specialty.

(II) Transfer procedure

1. Candidates who have the need for transfer and meet the conditions for transfer can log in the transfer system on April 8 to browse the information on the shortage of students released by the University, and fill in the volunteer transfer to the University according to the requirements of China Graduate Student Admission Information Network. Candidates who do not transfer through the transfer system will not be admitted.

2. Candidates applying for transfer to this program must apply on the China Graduate Admissions Information Network from 00:00 April 8 to 12:00 April 8 (the system closing time depends on the specific application situation).

3. The College will issue retest notification to the selected candidates through the transfer system within the specified time.

4. Candidates who receive the online retest notification must confirm their agreement to attend the retest within the specified time on the system, otherwise they will be disqualified from the retest.

5. The College will promptly give the results of the retest and determine whether the transfer candidate is to be admitted.

6. Transfer students to be admitted must log in the transfer system within the specified time to confirm the notice of the university to be admitted, otherwise it is regarded as giving up.

VI. Content of the retest (300 points for the retest)

(I) Review subjects

1. Professional retest, out of 100 points, in the form of an interview.

2. Comprehensive interview, full of 120 points.

3. English test, including English speaking and listening test, 80 points, in the form of an interview.

(II) The main content of the retest

1. Comprehensive quality and ability

(1) ideological and political quality, moral character;

(2) The study, scientific research, social practice (student work, club activities, volunteer service, etc.) or actual work performance outside the discipline (specialty);

(3) Career, sense of responsibility, discipline (law-abiding), collaboration and mental health;

(4) Humanistic qualities;

(5) Demeanor, expression and etiquette, etc.

2. Professional quality and ability

(1) Undergraduate studies and achievements;

(2) Comprehensive assessment of the candidates' mastery of the theoretical knowledge and application skills of the discipline (specialty), their ability to analyze and solve problems by utilizing the theories they have learned, and their understanding of the development of the discipline as well as their potential for development in the field of the specialty;

(3) Ability of listening, speaking and writing in foreign languages and ability to read literature;

(4) Creative spirit and innovative ability.

(5) Academic degree focuses on the mastery and application of the knowledge of the discipline and the potential of academic innovation, while professional degree focuses on the comprehensive practical quality, the ability to use professional knowledge to analyze and solve practical problems, and the potential of career development.

VII.Transfer Review Method and Schedule

(I) Review Method

The College adopts the on-site examination method for the re-examination. Candidates participating in the reexamination shall report online and verify the materials on site. Candidates shall log in the retesting system to report online at the specified time, and those who fail to report on time will be regarded as giving up the retesting.

(II) Schedule of the Re-examination

Date Time Content Locations Remark
April 8th-9th Closes at 17:00 on April 9th Online registration
Please log in to the Master's Degree Admission Management System of Shenzhen University (Website: http://ehall.szu.edu.cn/yz/cscjcx, Login Account: Candidate ID No. + Name), and upload the materials according to the "Admission Methods of Master's Degree Enrollment Review and Examination of Shenzhen University in 2024" (Website: https://yz.szu.edu.cn/info/ 1041/12797.htm) to upload materials. Candidates are required to log in the retesting system to report online at the specified time, and those who fail to report on time will be regarded as giving up the retesting.
April 10th 9:00-12:00 Report on site

Zhi Gong Bldg.


1、Civilized queuing, on-site reporting.

2、Verify the materials and submit the physical examination report.

Freshmen: verify the original ID card, the preliminary examination pass, the original student card, the original transcript, and sign the commitment of integrity re-examination on the spot;

Former students: verify the original ID card, the preliminary examination pass, the original graduation certificate, and sign the commitment of integrity retest on the spot.

Physical examination requirements to Shenzhen University 2024 master's degree re-examination physical examination process and notes shall prevail, website: https://yz.szu.edu.cn/info/1041/12799.htm (physical examination report can be shunfeng mailed before April 15 to Shenzhen University, School of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Zhi Gong Building, Office A303.)

3、Drawing the order of retest.

April 11th





Chihli Building


For specific classrooms, please refer to the instructions for candidates issued on the day of on-site check-in.

1. Candidates are requested to bring along their ID cards and preliminary examination passes (in paper form) to the waiting room 30 minutes before the start of the examination; candidates are prohibited from entering the room 15 minutes after the start of the examination;

2、According to the guidance of the liaison officer to enter the retest examination room; interview process: verification of identity cards, passes - drawing questions - self-introduction (in English and Chinese) - English questions -Professional questions -Comprehensive interview (specific may be based on the re-examination team to make micro-adjustments) -Interview end;

3、After the end of the interview into the lounge waiting, all candidates retesting end before leaving the field.

VIII. Contact Information


E-mail: 2286917563@qq.com

Address: Shenzhen University Canghai Campus Zhi Gong Building A303

I will send a mail (2286917563@qq.com) through the mailbox (Shenzhen University, School of Civil and Transportation Engineering transfer re-examination work implementation rules) to the candidates' personal mailbox (candidates in the research system used in the mailbox), the mail is important, please check the candidates. If the candidate's email address changes or does not receive the email, please send an email to the Graduate Office before April 9 to modify the email.

College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University

April 6th, 2024

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