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Professor Ma Baosong and his delegation from Sun Yat sen University visited our institution for exchange and discussion

Editor:土木高级账号    Release time:2024-08-03    Viewed:

On the afternoon of August 2, 2024, Professor Ma Baosong, Professor Lin Peiyuan, and Associate Professor Huang Sheng from Sun Yat sen University visited our institution for exchange and discussion. Academician Chen Xiangsheng, Dean of our institute and the Future Underground City Research Institute, Professor Wang Shuying, Vice Dean of the institute, Professor Fu Yanbin, Chief Engineer, Associate Professor Hong Chengyu, Assistant Dean, and relevant professional teachers met with guests and held a discussion in Conference Room 1007, Zhili Building, Yuehai Campus (South District).

Professor Ma Baosong first introduced the basic information of the visiting team, as well as the background and main purpose of the exchange. Associate Professor Huang Sheng introduced the research background, key core technologies, and cooperation needs of horizontal directional drilling geological exploration.

Academician Chen Xiangsheng warmly welcomes the arrival of Professor Ma Baosong and his delegation, analyzes the research situation of this technology, and puts forward specific suggestions. He looks forward to deepening cooperation and exchanges in the future, expanding the output of achievements, and jointly promoting the development of scientific research and innovation.

At the meeting, participants from both sides had in-depth discussions on the industrialization and application of horizontal directional drilling geological exploration technology, and jointly looked forward to the future direction of cooperation.

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