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The 2nd ASCE Greater China Forum Successfully Held

Editor:董婉悦    Release time:2023-09-30    Viewed:

2023.9.24 "The 2nd ASCE Greater China Forum" was held on 24 September 2023 at Shenzhen University. The conference was hosted by the American Society of Civil Engineers Greater China Section (ASCE Greater China Section), organised by Shenzhen University, and co-organised by the University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the college of Civil and Transportation Engineering of Shenzhen University, and the Institute for Future Underground Cities of Shenzhen University. The meeting was chaired by our President, Academician Chen Xiangsheng, as the Chairman of the Advisory Board, Professor Deng Xiaowei, President of ASCE Greater China Section, as the Chairman of the Organising Committee, and Professor Su Dong, our Professor, as the Co-Chairman of the Organising Committee, with a number of academicians, gurus and other first-class experts and scholars serving as the members of the Advisory Board.

Vice President Zhang Xiaohong of SZU, Academician Chen Xiangsheng, President of SZU, and Professor Deng Xiaowei, President of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Greater China, delivered opening speeches to the conference. Vice President Zhang Xiaohong pointed out at the opening ceremony of the conference that SZU was jointly built by Tsinghua University, Peking University and NPC in 1983, and has grown into a comprehensive university with a full range of academic disciplines. 40 years of development, SZU has cultivated a lot of outstanding talents, actively engaged in social services, and has become a model of SAR university, window university and experimental university. The university has been committed to promoting civil engineering innovation and sustainable development, covering a wide range of fields from sustainable infrastructure to cutting-edge building materials. President Zhang expressed his deep appreciation to all the guests attending the conference and wished the 2nd ASCE Greater China Forum a great success.

In his speech, Academician Chen Xiangsheng emphasised that the civil engineering sector is currently facing challenges such as frequent natural disasters, rapid increase in carbon emissions, and increasing land resource constraints, which fits the theme of this conference, i.e. the civil engineering sector needs to be inherited and innovated in order to comply with the main theme of the era of green economy. Academician Chen Xiangsheng also shared our work in underground space development and utilisation, intelligent green construction of tunnels, and water resource management as a means to create resilient spaces and resilient cities. Finally, he called for global co-operation to address the challenges and achieve sustainable development of civil engineering.

In his speech, Professor Deng Xiaowei introduced the history of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Greater China Section. He emphasised that the American Society of Civil Engineers, as one of the oldest and largest civil engineering societies in the world, is vital for development and cooperation in China. He believes that China plays an important role in the global arena, and its large economy and infrastructure development attract international attention. Focusing on civil engineering technological innovation and sustainable development, the conference brought together many renowned experts, industry leaders and young scholars to discuss structural design, renewable energy, resilient cities and other important topics, with the aim of promoting a low-carbon economy and building the super-engineering of the future.

After the opening ceremony, Maria C. LEHMAN, President of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and April LANDER, President of ASCE Region 10 (International Division), gave a detailed introduction of the organisational structure, mission and vision of the Society, and shared the latest developments of the Society. They discussed in depth the challenges faced by the civil engineering profession in terms of sustainability and presented their thoughts on future development.

(Maria C. LEHMAN,ASCE President Address)

(April LANDER,ASCE Sustainability and Envision)

The conference entered the keynote report. The keynote report of Prof Nie Jianguo, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Director of the Department of Civil, Hydraulic and Architectural Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Vice President of the Chinese Society of Civil Engineering, Director of the Academic Committee of Tsinghua University, and Director of the Institute for the Future of Cities, Towns and Infrastructures of Tsinghua University, was entitled "Challenges for Engineering Structures and Solutions". The keynote report of Professor Yang Yongbin, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, ASCE Fellow, and Honorary Dean of Civil Engineering School of Chongqing University, was "An Interpretation of the Excessively Large Oscillations of Box-girder Bridges", and the keynote report of Professor Li Hui of Harbin Institute of Technology was AI Design Methodology for Civil Engineering", Professor Hongwei Wu, Foreign Member of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Former President of the International Association of Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering, and Vice-President of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), gave a keynote report on "Development and Challenges of Cross Disciplinary Eco-geotechnics for Low-carbon and Green Applications in Civil Engineering", and Professor Han Linhai, President of Guangxi University, gave a keynote speech on "Life-cycle-basedAnalytical Theory and Applications of Concrete-filled Steel". and Applications of Concrete-filled Steel Tubular (CFST) Structures", Professor Chen Xiangsheng, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Foreign Academician of the Russian Academy of Engineering, Dean of the Faculty of Civil and Transportation Engineering of Shenzhen University, and Founding Dean of the Future Underground City Research Institute of Shenzhen University on behalf of Shenzhen University, Tsinghua University, Tongji University and Hunan University. Professor Chen Xiangsheng, on behalf of Shenzhen University, Tsinghua University, Tongji University and Hunan University, gave a keynote report on "Progress in Key Scientific Issues on Resilience of Deep Underground Space in Mega Cities". The keynote presentation by Prof Su Quanke was "The Construction of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) and the Latest Development of Bridges in China". The keynote report covered the current development of structural engineering, vibration characteristics of bridges, artificial intelligence technology for infrastructure, cross-discipline and low-carbon geotechnical engineering development, the theory of whole-life-cycle steel pipe and concrete analysis, the theory of the toughness of the deep underground space of mega-cities, and the key technology of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB), etc. The report demonstrated the cutting-edge new technologies and ideas in the field of civil engineering, which was widely and warmly responded to, and had a far-reaching impact on the field of civil engineering. It has been widely and warmly received and has had a far-reaching impact on the field of civil engineering.

Challenges for Engineering Structures and Solutions

(Nie Jianguo, Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering, President, Institute for Future Towns and Infrastructure, Tsinghua University)

An Interpretation of the Excessively Large Oscillations of Box-girder Bridges

(Yang Yongbin, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Fellow of ASCE, Honorary Dean of the School of Wood Engineering, Chongqing University)

Physical Machine Learning Paradigm for Structural Health Monitoring

(Li Hui, Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology)

Development and Challenges of Cross Disciplinary Eco-geotechnics for Low-carbon and Green Applications in Civil Engineering

(Wu Hongwei, Vice-President of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) and Foreign Associate of the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK)

Life-cycle-based Analytical Theory and Applications of Concrete-filled Steel Tubular (CFST)Structures

(Han Linhai, President of Guangxi University)

Progress in Key Scientific Issues on Resilience of Deep Underground Space in Mega Cities

(Chen Xiangsheng, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Dean of college of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University)

The Construction of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) and the Latest Development of Bridges in China

(Su Quanke, Professor and Principal Engineer, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou))

Strong Motion Simulation for Key Infrastructure in High Mountains and Deep Valleys

(Du-Ruo Huang, Deputy Director, Department of Water Resources, Tsinghua University)

Key Technologies for Safe Construction of Underwater Super Large Diameter Shield Tunnels-A Case Study

(Bao Xiaohua, Associate Dean, college of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University)

China Con-Tech Development and The Future of Hong Kong Construction Industry

(Kong Ho, Deputy General Manager - Mainland Business Industry Development, Hong Kong Construction Industry Council)

ASCE Greater China awards were also presented, including the Lifetime Achievement Medal to Academician Yongbin Yang, the Distinguished Leadership Medal to Professors Gang Wang and Yang Shen, the Outstanding Young Engineer Award to Professors Duruo Huang, Xiaohua Bao and Jiang Hao, and the Outstanding Instructor Award to Professors Dawei Wang and Yao Cui. Outstanding Young Engineer Award, Outstanding Student Chapter Faculty Advisor Award to Professors Wang Dawei and Cui Yao, and Outstanding Student Award to Professors Lin Qiaoyi, Lei Jiaxin, Lu Lin, Chen Peiyao and Wan Pengjie. Outstanding Student Award.)

At the end of the meeting, Professor Su Dong, as the Co-Chair of the Organising Committee of the conference and the President-elect of ASCE GC, Luo Xiaowei, delivered a closing speech, and once again thanked the organisers and co-organisers of the conference for their hard work, as well as all the experts and scholars attending the conference for their wonderful sharing and support. Afterwards, the host of the conference, Assistant Professor Yang Jiachuan, declared the conference successfully closed.

The success of this conference has deepened the close communication and cooperation between the Institute and its counterparts at home and abroad. With the theme of technological innovation and sustainable development of civil engineering, the conference focuses on promoting the deepening development and innovative changes of civil engineering disciplines and technologies in the three dimensions of economy, society and environment under the core concept of sustainable development. The conference comprehensively presented the latest research theories and achievements in related fields, discussed new civil engineering technologies and methods from different angles, and provided strong support for the technological innovation and low-carbon, high-quality sustainable development of China's civil engineering field.


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